Dailymotion Custom Embed v2

To use custom embed you must create player first through Partner HQ and get the {PLAYER_ID}.

Start Embedding

You need to do 2 things to embed the Player.

  1. Add <div class="dm-player" {PARAMS}></div> in your body content. The best place to put this tag is in the middle of the article.

  2. Put the script at the very bottom before body end in your website. You can download the script here

<!-- !!! VERY IMPORTANT -->

<script src="https://statics.dmcdn.net/c/dm-ce.min.js"></script>


Standard Embed Tag

<div class="dm-player" playerId="{PLAYER_ID}" sort="relevance" keywordsSelector="meta[name='keywords']" owners="{YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME}"></div>

Parameters Available

Name Type Description
string You can get {PLAYER_ID} from Dailymotion partner HQ in the player tab, inside the embed menu. Important, if you don’t provide playerId the script will get default player script. You can also set up a secondary {PLAYER_ID} in case the player gets flagged by Google Heavy Ads Intervention. Learn more.
string This will determine which sorting method to use to retrieve a video from your catalog or 3rd parties catalog. An example could be relevance, visited in the last month or most recent. Now you can have more than 1 sorting parameters by adding your next sort param using a comma (don’t add space please). List of available values: https://developer.dailymotion.com/api#video-sort-filter
string You need to put the username of the channels from which the script will search content. If your channel name URL is www.dailymotion.com/channelABC then your username is channelABC. This is case sensitive, meaning channelABC is not the same as Channelabc. To put more than 1 you can separate by ","
videoId string Set video xid directly to the tag
privateVideoId string Set private kid directly to the tag
playlistId string Set playlist xid directly to the tag to embed playlist
excludeIds string xid of videos to exclude. You can find the xid of any video by going on dailymotion.com and looking at the URL address in your browser for a given video. To put more than one id, you can separate them by “,”
excludeChannelIds string List of xids of the channels to exclude from the result set. To put more than one id, you can separate them by “,”. E.g. "x26rlgz,x1x15xq,x1x1a21". Check API playground where you can get channel XID from channel’s screen name.
searchInPlaylist string provide playlist xid to search videos within the playlist
syndication string Syndication key. Needed if the video content does not belong to your channel / network of channels AND/OR if you embed the Dailymotion video player into specific 3rd party environments (Google AMP, Facebook IA, OTT products, in-app, operated but not owned web domains…). This enables tracking and targeting.
customParams string To add declarative values as parameter; this could be an advertising, environment-specific value that the dailymotion player cannot understand on its own, for instance ‘column-player’ versus ‘main-article’.
customConfig string This is an improvement of customParams. Now, it has the possibility of having multiple values with multi purposes as well. You can check the sample below
referrerPolicy string The Referrer-Policy HTTP header controls how much referrer information (sent via the Referer header) should be included with requests. You can read more on this Referrer-Policy documentation.
languages string Languages of the video if you want to target specific languages only for a website. To put more than 1 value you can separate by ",". E.g. "en,fr".For more details check here: Languages
keywordsSelector string Define which meta tag you will use for the contextual embed. If you leave it blank it will get the <h1> the words in the meta tag will be chunked, sanitized, and matched against your own video catalog or the video catalog of the 3rd parties you include in your script.
keywords string you can add keywords with comma sepeartors for the contexual embed . This is alternative solution of using keywordsSelector parameter. E.g. "football,sports"
category string Content category to filter. List of available categories: https://api.dailymotion.com/channels
rangeDay number[] This can be filled if you want to limit videos embedded based on a date range for freshness. It can be 30 days, 1 day, 120 days… You can add more than one value for multiple sort params, which will apply to corresponding sort params. E.g. "30,0"
preVideoTitle string A custom section title above the video player embed, i.e. "See also: Recommended videos"
showVideoTitle boolean Decide if you want to show video title or not, set true if you need to show video title. E.g. "true"
showInfoCard boolean/string Info of the video in a card below the video player.the info card contains both video title, description etc. Learn more
ctaCard boolean To show in-video CTA cards, you must set the value true. Read more
showCollection string To show the video recommendations playlist outside of the player. It can be set as right or bottom based on the position of the playlist. By default, the playlist is inside the video player. Learn More
blockKeywords string[] to block keywords, this parameter can be used. To put more than 1 word you can separate by ","
mute boolean to set player mute option. By default its false ( default behaviour : The player provides smart mute behaviour, it tries to automatically start the video playback with sound. If this isn’t possible due to browser prevention, there is a fallback mechanism and the player reattempts to play the video but with the sound set to mute )
fallbackPlaylist string If there is no relevance videos it will fallback to embed specific playlist ( default behaviour : The fallback strategy is to embed recent videos of given channel owners )
lazyload boolean This is just to prevent the page render the player at first load, if actived the player just render if user start scrolling down the page. See example of this in the following sample page.
app string This is an in-app parameter. This additional parameter will be passed into the Player URL in order to ensure correct monetization and tracking. For more details check required-in-app-parameters
clientType string This is another in-app parameter similar to client_type in required-in-app-parameters

Will Be Deprecated

Name Type Description
customParams string will be replaced by customConfig
showOutsidePlaylist string we will suggest to use showCollection

Deprecated Parameters From V1

Name Type Description
startDate string Deprecated since V2

Embed Example :

<div class="dm-player"
   preVideoTitle="See also:"

In the sample above for customConfig value you realized there are text %2f, %3d, and %26. All of that number is a URL encoding. That’s actually a character of /, =, and &. You can visit this URL encoding link for a complete list.

Player features:

PIP customisation

The PiP will be displayed at the bottom right on wide screens and at the top on narrow screens by default. Its possible to reposition the PiP by adding specific CSS code for the dedicated element IDs. You can view the CSS samples below or view a live demo in our codepen.io PiP collection here.

#dailymotion-pip-large-viewport Targets PiP for “corner display” on large viewports
#dailymotion-pip-small-viewport Targets PiP for “top sticky display” on small viewports

Example: PIP desktop – top right:

#dailymotion-pip-large-viewport {
  --position-right: 0px;
  --position-top: 0px;

Example: Reposition PIP mobile – below menu bar:

#dailymotion-pip-small-viewport {  
  --position-top: 10px; /* can be any CSS unit: like em, rem, etc */

Reposition PIP mobile - below menu bar

#dailymotion-pip-small-viewport {
  --position-top: 50px !important;

Reposition PIP mobile – bottom of the page:

#dailymotion-pip-small-viewport {
  --position-bottom: 0;

Customizing PIP look and feel on all viewports

You can add any rule to deep customize the PiP look and feel. For example by removing the frame shadow as follow.

#dailymotion-pip-small-viewport {
  box-shadow: none !important;

Dynamic changing of PIP position:

The position of PIP can be changed dynamically by changing the CSS while it’s active. Check the codepen below